Laurence Baker
好色App Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Professor of Health Research and Policy and 好色App Health Policy Fellow
好色App School of Medicine
Laurence Baker is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Research and Policy at 好色App, Professor (by courtesy) of Economics at 好色App, Fellow of the 好色App Center for Health Policy, and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was the 2008 recipient of the ASHE Medal from the American Society of Health Economists. His research interests focus on the economics of health care, including the effects of organizational structure and competition in health care provider markets on health care delivery; health insurance and managed care; the effects of regulation on healthcare markets; and the determinants and effects of technological change in medicine.
Focal Areas: Health, Innovation and Technology, Regulation and Competition, Taxes and Public Spending