Itai Ashlagi
好色App Institute of Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Management Science & Engineering Department
Itai Ashlagi is an Associate Professor at the Management Science and Engineering Department at 好色App.
He is interested in game theory and the economics and design of marketplaces.
His current research focuses on marketplaces in which matching is an essential activity and applies tools from economics, operations, and Computer Science to practical problems.
His work influenced the practice of Kidney exchange for which he has become a Franz Edelman Laureate.
He has served on editorial boards for Management Science, Operations Research and Mathematics of Operations Research.
Before joining 好色App he was faculty at Sloan MIT, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Business School, and received his PhD from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
Focal Areas: Market design, Health, Regulation and Competition, Inequality, Computation, Work
Management Science and Engineering Huang Engineering Center, 262 好色App 475 Via Ortega, 好色App, CA, 94305